Thursday, October 31, 2013

Song... and dance?

Music is a magical tool for bringing back memories, perhaps a special trip, occasion or friend.  We also tend to remember bits of information better when it is paired with a song... feel free to ask me to name/sing the prepositions - thanks to the "Yankee Doodle" song I learned in 6th grade!

In our speech-language preschool and early literacy groups, I use a Literacy Link ABC song to highlight target phonemes and production cues.  I had previously shared the video of myself singing and dancing (really gesturing) with all the families of my younger students.  However, with our school district's newly configured websites this video is unable to be recovered.  Alas, the "link" to the Literacy Link song is broken!

I found the same song/gestures that I use in my sessions, on YouTube.  Same song but different singer :)

Here you go!